Saturday, October 18, 2014


9:53 PM Posted by Unknown No comments

The boys-next-door group apparently had been rebelling these days as what they’re presenting are far from how they were back the ‘Would you be my girlfriend’ era. Those cute, cringe-dols had recently released another song out of the cute label and into the mature, hot label. The boys of Boyfriend, returned with something you don’t want to be in a relationship with: Witch! The video had a different vibe from the other Boyfriend videos. It wasn’t the dramatic type like the ‘Don’t Touch My Girlfriend’ and ‘Janus’ videos nor was it the up-tempo, cute vibe as the ‘Boyfriend’ and ‘Lovestyle’ videos.

Following ‘Obsession’ which I supposed, in my opinion, was a great song that showcased the group’s capability –not just physically, as it was a change in their image especially that Hyunseong (who would have thought the awkward Hyunseong had that in him) But it was also a change of them in musicality, the whole ‘Obsession’ album was made up of melodramatic and hip pop songs but we are not talking about that here. Let’s move back to track: Witch. From a score of 1-10, with 1 as the lowest, I’m giving this comeback a 8.5; I’m not disappointed, in fact I was amused and proud of my boys (not literally, but speaking in a bestfriend heart) as they are growing into men.

The song was weird but at the same time deep. The line “cause your body goes boom bara boom’ doesn't really make any sense right? But once they sang it, it’ll get you hooked and no matter how idiotic you might sound to the public, makes you sing it aloud and even shamelessly bob your head in the beat. The song’s a love song alright, you don’t expect love songs be in a slow-ballad form in this industry. It even has lyrics that make your fingers and toes curl, once you search on for the translation. Behind all the fangs and that slight violence in the video, there lies the hidden cheekiness of the group that never faded since their first debut song.

The video was pure ‘thumb up’ factor for me. From the members’ appearances, the transformation of being un-humanly had a really good effect especially to Kwangmin who looked the best in the video for me (sorry Donghyun, your skin is white but not that for seduction) The setting, that ancient, worn out feeling was really good. Though in every love song a girl is almost always present and this video doesn’t make an exemption as a girl makes her appearance. But it’s not any other presentation though as in the end the girl takes that of the part of the antagonist in the story, which was a unique use of the girl they are describing in the song as gorgeous and dangerous. While watching the video, I suggest you take moments to really study their features and fawn at them, may it be with or without fangs.

The dance was Boyfriend-level, having a group with good dancers those types of hard dances won’t be hard. Since the I Yah era down to Obsession, Boyfriend had been really into great routines that involves a lot of jumping, clapping and the such that makes the dance even more amusing to watch. In the video, there was shown a usage of curtain while they dance; though I’m still to anticipate that during their live performances, the curtain might either bring them up to satisfaction or down to regret. Speaking of live performances, I expect some contact and good costumes to show the eccentric concept unlike the Obsession wardrobe, where it was supposed to make them look cool but it just made Minwoo look like a lost kid in the park.

Hooray to Boyfriend for winning #1!

Just Get Real

9:43 PM Posted by Unknown No comments

WGM's Fierce, LTE couple

I know this has nothing to do with the music industry but let me just take this space to post some appreciative note to We Got Married's newest and by-far the fastest couple, Kim So Eun and Song Jae Rim! Honestly, I have never seen a couple so active in skinship during the first meeting. To add to that amusing factor, they even were not able to 'see' each other during this time as they were asked to meet in a dark room. It probably was not that much of a good impression on the virtual husband's side as he openly expressed how his wife's way with words, how she constantly kept them short, caught him dumbfounded. But as the two met, in a much clearer and lighted place, the atmosphere seemed to change as then he lightly complimented her of being beautiful; look who got entranced by her beauty?

The first meetings are usually the most awkward episode but not to this couple. The first episode was nothing but full of skinships and cringe-worthy exclaims. Note: this was the first episode, the second episode was the doubling of their (chemistry? Spark? How should I call it? Cringing? The latter seemed to fit) cringing moments. For the other couples, the second episode is usually another time given for them to get to know each other better, the staffs send them to a nearby cafe and they end up talking consuming all the time given. Jaerim and Soeun won't be called the LTE couple for nothing, the episode was actually the continuation of the first episode and they acted as if they're already friends for a long period of time.

The couple's progress was very different from the other couples, who needed much less 5 episodes to open up and be comfortable with each other's presence. May it be because they both are actors and basically they meet a lot of people every time they shoot something and that's how they are able to adapt to each other pretty fast or may it just be because they are a pair of similar personalities and it was much easier for them to be close. Many netizens have commented that it was a their first time seeing these personas on the show; that the couple was a refreshment to it with their new antics and personalities.

Our virtual husband: Song Jae Rim, he's an actor that's having his first variety experience and was it fortunate for him -and his fans, that the first show he received was that of We Got Married? The show's concept of having entertainers pretend to be married for real was probably the best fitted for him, with an image far from what he shows in his dramas; Song presented himself as somewhat the aggressive type of person with skinship, who shoots cheesy words every time he sees an opening to say it in whatever situation and a person who's mischievous and cute at the same time.Song is becoming a great husband as he -though at times it gets too fast- leads his wife and makes her feel comfortable whenever they are together. With Song, there won't be a moment were the atmosphere dries up and ends up being awkward and uncomfortable even to the viewers.

Our virtual wife: Kim So Eun, she's an actress that's had a few variety guesting from before. She'd already experienced being paired with an unfamiliar guy, to be exact Lee Junho from 2PM (their Music & Lyrics was also really good) so I believe that this was going to be a piece of cake on her side. In the shows she'd been on, we can clearly say that she takes good care of the people around her and that she's very feminine, but that latter was somehow scratched out in this show; Kim had this hidden violence in her system and is very carefree. Her personality jives in with Song's but also have the ability to control her husband's mischievousness, I guess this is what makes them a really good pair; they have time where they complement each other and the next thing you'll see is them contradicting each other.

I have to say, other than me there are many netizens who have been caught up with this couple. As everyday they show the viewers something new which leads to us looking forward for the upcoming episodes. With this couple, I have experienced watching the show without english subtitles -I couldn't wait for the next day, and laughing without even understanding what was happening. And, no I am not crazy. Some people commented that one day Song might just end up kissing her -which I think might also happen, seeing how he held her face during the upcoming episode's preview. Some others also predicted that somewhere along they'll also end up falling for each other -which I believe has a great possibility.


8:43 PM Posted by Unknown No comments

On and On, hyde, Voodoo Doll, for a normal person these are just random words –things even, but for a fangirl specifically a ‘Starlight’ these are songs of special character. VIXX is a group known for their unique concepts; curious? Check those songs listed. The group just made a comeback this 14th with the release of their music video for their newest song: Error. The video, just like any VIXX music video was weird but had a slight touch of romance in its own way. From the first second until the last, the video was –let’s say cool with a few lapses and weird moments here and there.

Error had VIXX as cyborgs, not dolls nor vampires but cyborgs. What you might be thinking of –if you haven’t seen the video, is a bunch of metals walking here and there but no, VIXX on the first seconds was seen at their ‘cyborg form’ that is their facial features with some weirdly metals formed as their body. I might have survived seeing their gory Voodoo Doll and hyde videos but this surely gave me a shock and made my face, for the first time while viewing a video of them, morph into a look of similar of distress; dumbfounded I was, to say the least. The others looked terrifying but the girl, who was also a cyborg, looked cute. Way to give some favoritism, editor-nim!

Wait, was that N being the tallest cyborg? He must have harassed the editor  to make him appear the  tallest –cyborgs don’t wear insoles, do they?

VIXX’s comeback will have you looking forward on, not just the music video or the song but with the following points:  concept, music video, the song, their dance’s intro position, their whole routine and their outro position. The dance, was not fully seen in the video as we were only given snippets of it because the video focused on the story to deliver more of the song’s meaning. Nonetheless, the dance still caught my attention –as expected of a VIXX’s routine, the dance was powerful and tiring, in an audience’s perspective I might even end up panting while watching them dance. The first position was really an attention-catcher; it was cramped, yes but beautifully cramped, was it? Leo was found squished in the middle of the group, but he was not bus-like squished more like arranged-squished, with-a-story squished and then the song started with, of course, his dramatic voice. The outro wasn’t to be thrown away and skipped as it had its own story too, they performed somewhat like a detaching or turning off of being a cyborg –at least it was what I think it was, thanks to the editing!

The story amidst the creepy ‘cyborg-ness’ of the group was expectedly a love story. Though the video started off by showing the other members, sadly they weren’t really part of the story, they were just some extras to show. The story revolves with Hongbin –yes, that cute guy with the abs’s name is Hongbin, and a lady-love. It was a love line between cyborgs, (and I didn’t even know he was a cyborg! He looked normal, except with his big doe eyes and dimples but he looked nothing like a cyborg; note, reference to the other members) I believe it started with him building his own, illegal cyborg, they fell in love, the cyborg surprisingly got sick? Virus I presume, of course it won’t be because of pneumonia; and died then he started rebuilding and implanted their memories back and when she returned back, all of a sudden some men barged in and tested if she was legally made which scared them both and resulted to them destroying themselves together.  Confusing, I know.

                       And they left the other members there ‘naked’ with only their heads properly made

After the release, the group topped the music charts with their album. I expect triple crowns with this song. Not just music bank, mcountdown, inkigayo trophies but also music awards by the end of the year. This group’s not yet given the attention they deserve, I believe. They’re still on that on-off popularity level, I hope that this song will reach its peak.