Tuesday, September 30, 2014


6:30 AM Posted by Unknown No comments
                                                                         Adult     Top?                                                                                        

                     Teen Top's teen no more with their newest album. Released on the 15th of September, Teen Top just proved that they were, indeed, the group suited for the embarrassing introduction -which 6/7 of them don't really understand: "we're emotional teen pop bandTeen Top!". Now that all of them are of age, settling down to a sexy-ish, matured image will be a no-trouble. (except for Ricky who is and will be a forever cutie in the eyes of Angels) And that's what they did; their new album is comprised of 6 songs, showcasing both the group's emotional side and their maturity. EXITO -the album that brought out another side to Teen Top with a powerful R&B feeling into it; the fans (expectedly?) fell right into the music. 
                   '쉽지않아' (Missing) is the album's title song which talks about the difficulty of letting go of the person you love. Ironically, despite them being able to deliver the song perfectly, the group's too inexperienced with love. (I volunteer as tribute!) 'And images of you being without me keep driving me even crazier' picking this short part of the song was already enough proof that the song is, indeed, very emotional. (Let's not even start with the music video) Following the song is '혼자 사니' (Alone) unlike Missing which expressed grief over losing a certain someone, 'Alone' is a song expressing a showing of adoration towards a girl; with lyrics such as 'Wanna plan out our future together?'. '울어' or 'Cry' is probably my favorite song in the album, showcasing the group's ability as a vocal team -from Changjo's soft voice to the rapper line's charisma, the song can move any person's heartstrings may it be a K-Pop fan or not.
                   '지독하다' (Love Is...) despite the song's sweet melody, it displays a meaning far from sweet. 'Love is...' is a song over what there is left of love when the one you're giving it to is already not there, as one line says: 'Love is so cruel'. Next song is entitled '리모콘' (Remote Control), upon reading the title you might be wondering 'Who the actual heck goes around and sing a song like this?'. Don't worry because I,too, am wondering of that. As a fan, no matter how hard I try to understand this song, I just can't. 'Just press me, my babe', wait, what?                       And lastly, this album's pride: 'Love U'. This song is composed by our one and only L.Joe. Yes, the guy Changjo meant by the person who's composition is boring -this is for you Changjo. 'I live because I am in love', the song is about how the feeling is when you're in love. The song's sweet lyrics and the members' vocals complemented well with each other.
                      Teen Top, a group that is starting to be wildly known as a group who dances, released song so unlikely of them and challenged a concept new to them. The songs go well together, they go as a group that you can't just pick out a song and manage to skip the others. The album is great as a package. It's good that in fact Stuart Hawkes praised them for it. EXITO may or may not be the best album for them, but I'm sure that the fans were glad and proud that they released this package.


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